This 5-week course explores the dynamic nature of Scripture through a close study of the Ten Commandments and the way in which these ancient laws are interpreted, debated, and re-imagined within the pages of the Bible itself.
In partnership with Mt. Zion UMC, 1770 Johnson Ferry Rd, Marietta, GA 30062
Beneath most disagreements in the church are different understandings about how the Bible actually works. Are its truths static or dynamic? What do we do with parts of the Bible that seem to contradict itself? If the Bible says something, does that necessarily settle what we should believe and do today? Taught by Candler OT professor Ryan Bonfiglio, this course explores the dynamic nature of Scripture through a close study of the Ten Commandments and the way in which these ancient laws are interpreted, debated, and re-imagined within the pages of the Bible itself.
Continuing Education Units (CEU) are available for this course. There is a processing fee of $25.00, and an Award Letter will be issued once the course has been completed. Please add the CEU Processing Fee at checkout.